Natalie offers a wide and diverse range of services please see below for more detail
Dressage Lessons
Core Training, Fitness and Rehabilitation
Groundwork basics
Polework sessions
Competition warm up/test calling
Goal setting and Support
Dressage Lessons
Bespoke dressage training for horse and rider. Book a lesson where Natalie travels to you or come and use the facilities on-site. Every lesson is carefully planned and reviewed to ensure you always come away having learnt new skills and developed as a rider.
Core Training, Fitness and Rehabilitation
Learn how to train your horse to use its body correctly and maintain a correct posture. Benefitting long term health and soundness as well as ridden work. Natalie also offers 6-12 week rehabilitation and fitness plans that are completely bespoke and take into account a wide range of factors such as other injuries/problems, whether poles are available, how many days the horse can be worked and many more.
Groundwork Basics
Understand what to look for when lunging and long reining your horse and how to effectively train your horse from the ground. Natalie offers lunge and/or long reining sessions either at your yard or you are welcome to come and use her arena. Sessions last around 45 minutes and can be completely personalised to your needs.
Polework Sessions
Available either individually or in pairs polework sessions are a great way of building strength, suppleness and confidence for both horse and rider. There is so much more to polework than just putting as many down as possible! Whether an eventer or dressage rider, Natalie will chose specific polework exercises that will most benefit the horse.
Competition Warm up and Test Calling
Natalie understands that riding a test at a competition can be nerve wracking especially if you struggle in the warm up or to remember your test – Natalie provides supportive warm up assistance, test calling and after test discussions to ensure that when going out competing you can achieve your very best.
Goal Setting and Support
Setting and achieving your goals made simple. Do you wish you had a clear path to achieving your goal? Or do you even wonder what your goal should be? Natalie provides an easy way to ensure you both enjoy your horse and that you achieve what you would really like to on a short or long term basis. Assistance setting up training, arena hire, competition outings and fitness plans are all covered in these sessions and Natalie encourages riders to push themselves without setting unrealistic aspirations.